[Soc] TDSP implementation for pgRouting Weekly Report

Daniel Kastl daniel at georepublic.de
Mon Aug 22 08:20:54 EDT 2011

Hi Jay,

On behalf of the pgRouting project I want to say thank you for a great GSoC
>From the first contact to the end of the project you have been always ahead
of any deadline.
This was a very comfortable summer as a mentor.


On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 8:42 PM, Jay Mahadeokar <jai.mahadeokar at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> Final Weekly Report
> I had completed the goals earlier, and in last week I check with my mentor
> for things that needed to be done as last steps. I also completed the
> documentation.
> The final code can be found at [1].
> Documentation to test and run the algorithms implemented is at [2] [3]
> [1] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/tree/gsoc-tdsp/
> [2] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/TDSP-Details
> [3] https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/APSP
> This was a wonderful experience and I look forward to keep contributing to
> pgRouting and OSGeo in future.
> Thanks.
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 6:37 PM, Jay Mahadeokar <jai.mahadeokar at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Weekly Report #11
>> Date - 12th Aug 2011
>> Current Progress.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I completed the APSP algorithm and removed a few bugs and problems that
>> were present in the previous draft.
>> Updated the github repository, I also wrote a tutorial to get started, run
>> and test the algorithm. [2].
>> For TDSP algorithm, I polished the code, added comments etc. Also, I wrote
>> a plsql data generator function that generates random time dependent data
>> corresponding to the ways table. It demonstrates the tdsp algorithm in a
>> better way. I have added the plsql function to github repo too. [3].
>> Next weeks goal
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Write tutorial for testing using random data, work on documentation etc.
>> Keep doing some tests. Discuss about packaging the algorithm with pgRouting
>> library.
>> [1]https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/tree/gsoc-tdsp
>> [2]https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/wiki/APSP
>> [3]
>> https://github.com/pgRouting/pgrouting/blob/gsoc-tdsp/extra/tdsp/sql/data_generate_tdsp.sql
>>  On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 10:58 AM, Jay Mahadeokar <
>> jai.mahadeokar at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Weekly Report #10
>>> Date - 5th Aug 2011
>>> Current Progress.
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> After much brain-storming in the community, we decided that the proposed
>>> cyclic data optimization was a little bit premature, and we would just focus
>>> on completion of the basic algorithm as proposed in the GSoc proposal during
>>> the GSoc timeline.
>>> So, the major function will be pgr_time_dependent_shortest_path.
>>> For cyclic data, we will have function like: pgr_tdsp_cyclic. The
>>> weight_map class has been modified for that, but the default constructor
>>> keeps the behaviour non-cyclic for now. We will keep brainstorming until the
>>> requirements and idea of cyclic data are properly identified and defined and
>>> then provide support for the optimization.
>>> In the mean time I also cleaned up the code and continued testing.
>>> Next week goals.
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Try and finish up the documentation work needed for tdsp. Including
>>> examples to convert some common data formats to tdsp and potential plsql
>>> scripts for the same.
>>> Since the major portion of GSoc proposal is completed,I also plan to work
>>> on all-pairs shortest path implementation for pgRouting(not part of the GSoc
>>> proposal, I had worked on it earlier), and I will try and finish it up and
>>> document it within GSoc timeline as planned earlier with my mentor if time
>>> permits.
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> -Jay Mahadeokar
>> --
>> Regards,
>> -Jay Mahadeokar
> --
> Regards,
> -Jay Mahadeokar
> --
> Georepublic UG & Georepublic Japan
> eMail: daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
> Web: http://georepublic.de
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