[SoC] Contribute to OSGeo

Anubhav Jaiswal anubhav2503 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 12 11:38:49 PST 2014


My name is Anubhav Jaiswal and  I'm an undergraduate research student in
the field of Spatial Informatics. I wish to contribute to OSGeo projects
and look forward to continue as part of GSoC ' 14.

I am specifically looking forward to work on QGIS projects. I have been
using QGIS and have some ideas in mind. I'm comfortable with Python and
C++. Can someone help me get started?



*Anubhav Jaiswal*

*B. Tech + MS by Research*

*Lab for Spatial Informatics,*

*Computer Science and Engineering,*

*IIIT Hyderabad *
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