[SoC] Fwd: GSoC 2014 - OTB project weekly report: week 4

Martina Porfiri martina.porfiri at uniroma1.it
Tue Jun 17 02:51:27 PDT 2014

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Date: 2014-06-13 21:13 GMT+02:00
Subject: GSoC 2014 - OTB project weekly report: week 4
To: SoC at lists.osgeo.org, otb-developers at googlegroups.com

Hi all,
below you can find the week report n°4. Work done

   - I have arranged 'Act_Transf' function in order to compute actor
   (image) transformation -translation and rotation- using OpenGL matrix
   functions, as glTranslatef and glRotatef; I have also implemented other
   main CoverFlow class functions as:
      - 'CF_Des' to design (construct) the CoverFlow animation
      - 'Anim_stop' to stop the CoverFlow animation when required
      - 'CF_Update' to update the CoverFlow animation
      - 'Act_Remove' to remove an actor (image) from the loaded dataset

   - I have analyzed how linking CoverFlow class to otbIceviewer, in order
   to visualise and test the specific visualization functionalities

   - I have pushed preliminary code to the remote repository. At the moment
   the code is thought as a patch to be added at the main OTB-Ice repository
   (it is not an independent application). For more information about it, see
   the repository site or wikipage (find the links at the end of this report)

   - According to the mentors suggestions, I began to build tests using
   Ctest tool

Work to be done in the next week

   - Discussing with the mentors, I will refine the CoverFlow class
   functions implementation (in particular 'Act_Transf') and relative link to

   - I will finalize Ctest configuration

Blocking issues

   - At the moment I am slightly slowed down by understanding how
   efficiently link CoverFlow-otbIceViewer classes

*Project links:*

Wikipage: http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/GSoC_2014_project
Repository: https://bitbucket.org/Mporfiri/gsoc_2014

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