[SoC] GSoC 2014 - OTB project weekly report: week 5

Martina Porfiri martina.porfiri at uniroma1.it
Fri Jun 20 14:19:00 PDT 2014

 Hi all,
below you can find the week report n°5. Work done

   - I have implemented 'Act_Transf' function in order to apply the
   traslation and rotation matrix to the loaded actors (images), enabling two
   different modes:
      - images are visualised without view angle rotation
      - images are visualised with view angle rotation

   - I continued to analyze how linking CoverFlow class to otbIceviewer

   - I have refined the CoverFlow class and I have updated the remote

   - I have created a cDashboard (available at cDash
   <http://my.cdash.org/index.php?project=OTB_GSoC_2014>) in order to
   execute the tests and to log their results

Work to be done in the next week

   - I will continue to study the 'classes linking' issue

   - I will continue to configure project code tests using CTest

Blocking issues

   - This week I was mainly focused on the 'classes linking' issue. I did
   not solve it completely, but I guess that, also thanks to mentors support,
   the key is near

*Project links:*

Wikipage: http://wiki.orfeo-toolbox.org/index.php/GSoC_2014_project
Repository: https://bitbucket.org/Mporfiri/gsoc_2014

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