[SoC] Mentor registration open

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at gmail.com
Wed Mar 12 08:46:23 PDT 2014

Hello all,

it is time for mentors to register to GSoC too: the proposals start
piling up in Melange, and it is already time for mentors to comment on
them (request clarification, point out potential blockers/difficulties
of the proposed solutions...).

Here is the procedure to become a mentor for OSGeo official and guest

Basically mentors need to register on Melange, request mentor role for
OSGeo, and wait for admin approval. I try to approve all mentors
within a day from the request.

After approval from admins, the mentors will be able to see proposals
and comment on them. 
After application period closes, the mentors will evaluate the
proposals and select the viable ones (good idea, good student, mentor +
backup mentor). I will send a separate mail about it on the mentors

If any doubt or problem arises, don't hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

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