<span style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;border-collapse:collapse"><div><span style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;border-collapse:collapse">Oups take 2, to have my own Subject. Sorry for the spam.</span></div>
<div><span style="font-family:arial, sans-serif;font-size:13px;border-collapse:collapse"><br></span></div>Hi all¸,<br><br>My name is Rémi Charbonneau and I just finished my second year in<br>geomatic engineering at Université Laval. I am going to add conflation<br>
and cleasing ability into GeoKettle.<br><br>My wiki is accessible at<br><a href="http://wiki.spatialytics.org/doku.php?id=community:gsoc:gsoc2010_weekly_reports_remi_charbonneau" style="color:rgb(28, 81, 168)" target="_blank">http://wiki.spatialytics.org/doku.php?id=community:gsoc:gsoc2010_weekly_reports_remi_charbonneau</a><br>
<div style="color:rgb(80, 0, 80)"><br>1) What did I do last week<br><br></div>I set up my eclipse and svn environment. I made a list of function in<br>JCS that are interesting to be imported inside GeoKettle. I studied<br>
the class structure in GeoKettle that I need for my project.<br><div style="color:rgb(80, 0, 80)"><br>2) What do I plan to do this week<br><br></div>Create a simple step to learn more about GeoKettle step before I move<br>
on more complicated one. Finalize my roadmap with my mentor. And<br>examine the most important function that my mentor and me have<br>identified in JCS.<br><div style="color:rgb(80, 0, 80)"><br>3) Do I have any problems/obstacle which interfere with my work<br>
</div>None yet</span>