<b>What I did during the week?</b><br><br>The polygonizer can be call from a javascript jobs or can be executed as a job. I added the getGeometry function for the RowMeta classes. With this function you can receive the geometry object inside a javascript job.<br>
<br><b>What difficulties I encountered?</b><br><br>Some libraries decencies conflict between Geokettle and JCS. JCS use an older version of JTS and jfree than what is already included in Geokettle. It seems to work now, and I hope it won't come back to haunt me later.<br>
<br><b>What I plan to do during the next week?</b><br><br>Polish the Polygonizer jobs UI. Start the work on one of the distance classes.<br><br>My wiki is accessible at <a href="http://wiki.spatialytics.org/doku.php?id=community:gsoc:gsoc2010_weekly_reports_remi_charbonneau">http://wiki.spatialytics.org/doku.php?id=community:gsoc:gsoc2010_weekly_reports_remi_charbonneau</a><br>