Hi All,<br>This week I failed to complete my task as I expected.<br>This weeks tasks was <br><br>1. Building sample data for public transport layer(s) as i explained last week.<br>2. Complete the data structure and shortest path algorithm without time support.<br>
<br>I completed task 1, But it took more time as I expected.<br>Task 2 is partially completed. The graph building is working properly. I am now 2 days far from the completiton of task 2.<br><br>The small report is as below.<br>
<a href="https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/opengraphrouter/wiki/GSoC2010_report_20100621">https://sourceforge.net/apps/trac/opengraphrouter/wiki/GSoC2010_report_20100621</a> <br><br><br>Next week I will explain the graph data stucture I designed so far for support multimodal routing.<br>
And start implement the plan of timing support as I explained before. <br><br>Regards<br>Roni<br><br>