Hi all,<br><br>I summarize a little bit the activities of this busy and
intense week, even if they're just a few as far as I've focused my
efforts on implementation, like during the past one.<br><br>I'm doing a general reformatting of the code, commeting the existing one and adding tests.<br>
<br>What have I done:<br><br>- finished reading writing of
Spatialite blob. <br><br>- adding testcases for other classes<br><br>- reformatting comments according (as much as possible) to gvSIG standards<br>
<br>- debug of various methods <br><br><br>What I plan to do next week:<br><br>- reformatting the code<br><br>- implement
reading/writing capabilities of 3D geometries from/to SpatiaLite Blob<br>
<br>- adding testcases for other classes<br><br>Problems:<br><br>- No
real problem<br><br><br>All the best,<br><font color="#888888">Luca<br></font><br><a href="https://gvsig.org/web/projects/contrib/sqlite-provider/tracking/report-20100628" target="_blank"></a>