Hi,<br><br>I just updated the wiki with the second weekly <span>report</span>. You can find all the info here: <br><a href="http://trac3.xp-dev.com/ggl2/wiki/gvSIG_Integration#week1" target="_blank">http://trac3.xp-dev.com/ggl2/wiki/gvSIG_Integration#week2</a><br>
<br>The report for this week is:<br><ul><li><strong>What have I done?</strong>
<ul><li><i>Develop the gvSIG plugin</i>: I have developed the gvSIG
plugin that returns the set of available layers in the active view and
adds new layers to that set when necessary. It has been implemented for
files so far, but it may be possible to extend the functionality to
databases, web services, etc.
</li><li><i>Test the developed artifacts</i>: I have tested manually the
gvSIG plugin since it depends on the graphical user interface. I have
also written unit tests in order to test the correction of the XML
communication and some other elements such as the configuration files.
</li><li><i>Documentation</i>: I have written new documentation on how
to interact with the GIS application and how the communcation takes
place (the XML requests and responses sent from and to GGL2,
configuration files, etc).
</li></ul></li><li><strong>What am I going to do now?</strong>
<ul><li><i>Modify the GGL2 grammar</i>: Next step is to modify the
grammar in order to show the results in different GIS applications. It
may be necessary to change the keyword 'gis' with other construction
that let us represent the different GIS applications.
</li></ul></li><li><strong>Any blocking issue?</strong> No
</li></ul>Regards,<br><font color="#888888">VĂctor.</font>