Hello,<br><br>Sorry about the delay, but I just updated the wiki with the weekly <span>report</span>. You can find all the info here: <br><a href="http://trac3.xp-dev.com/ggl2/wiki/gvSIG_Integration#week1" target="_blank">http://trac3.xp-dev.com/ggl2/wiki/gvSIG_Integration#week4</a><br>
<br><ul><li><strong>What have I done?</strong>
<ul><li><i>Get layers from multiple GIS apps</i>: It is now possible to
reference layers from different GIS applications. GGL2 connects to all
the available apps (listed in a properties file, updated when a new GIS
starts/stops) and gets the list of layers. These layers can be used in
the language as single variables, i.e. each layer is a different
variable. The variable name has a prefix to determine where it comes
from. For example, if we want to use a <i>sample</i> layer from gvSIG, we should reference it this way:
</li></ul></li></ul><pre class="wiki"><font style="font-family: courier new,monospace;" size="2"> show gvSIG_sample select(a | buffer(a/the_geom, 100));</font><br></pre><blockquote>
The prefix is the same as used in the GIS definition (explained in the previous report):
<pre class="wiki"><font style="font-family: courier new,monospace;" size="2"> gis gvSIG;</font><br></pre><blockquote>
and must match the name used by the GIS application to register itself in the properties file.
We considered some other possibilities to achieve this goal, but this
was fully functional and less bug prone due to its simplicity. However,
there may be other solutions, such as elements representing the GIS with
layers as children, that show more coherence from the user's point of
view, so it can be improved by the end of the development if there is
<ul><li><strong>What am I going to do now?</strong>
<ul><li><i>Create documentation for developers about the new grammar</i>:
We need to document how a new GIS application can be declared in GGL2
and what needs to be done in order to connect to that GIS successfully.
Moreover, we need to explain how layers are included in GGL2 and how GIS
apps should implement their (future) plugins in order to return the
list of layers correctly, so they are included sucessfully as language
</li><li><i>Create user documentation about the new or modified language constructions</i>:
We need to document how the user can reference GIS layers from their
code, as well as include the results in any of the available GIS apps.
</li><li><i>Test the developed artifacts</i>: Check what has been tested so far and write unit tests for the developments that have not been covered yet.
</li></ul></li><li><strong>Any blocking issue?</strong> No
</li></ul>Best regards,<br>Víctor.<br>