Hello,<br><br>I just updated the wiki with the weekly <span>report</span>. You can find all the info here: <br><a href="http://trac3.xp-dev.com/ggl2/wiki/gvSIG_Integration#week1" target="_blank">http://trac3.xp-dev.com/ggl2/wiki/gvSIG_Integration#week5</a><br>
<h3 id="week5"></h3>
<ul><li><strong>What have I done?</strong>
<ul><li><i>Create documentation for developers about the new grammar</i>:
The new documentation explains how the communication is performed
between GGL2 and gvSIG (or any GIS application). Thus, future developers
will know how GIS apps should implement their plugins in order to
return the list of layers correctly and import the new results.
</li><li><i>Create user documentation about the new or modified language constructions</i>:
The documentation explains how the user can reference GIS layers from
GGL2 code, as well as include the results in any of the available GIS
apps, referencing them with a GIS defined previously, or with the
keyword <i>gis</i> for the default GIS.
</li><li><i>Test the developed artifacts</i>: New execution tests check the use of existing GIS layers and exporting results in different GIS applications at the same time.
</li></ul></li><li><strong>What am I going to do now?</strong>
<ul><li>Next step is to create the graphical document interface for
gvSIG and GGL2 environment in order to connect/disconnect them but,
since this week I'm going to be very busy with some presentations, I
will consider it as a little break.
</li></ul></li><li><strong>Any blocking issue?</strong> No
</li></ul>Best regards,<br><font color="#888888">Víctor.</font>