<div class="moz-text-flowed" style="font-family: -moz-fixed; font-size: 14px;" lang="x-western">Hi,
<br>This and the last week I debugged the GeoServer to find the problem why
the integeration of the Neo4j Spatial data store does not work anymore.
<br>I fixed the issues and did some refactoring(going on) and seperated the
Neo4j datastore implementation in a extra maven module. It is now
working with the newest GeoServer(2.1.1).
<br>It is available at:
<br><a class="moz-txt-link-freetext" href="https://github.com/AndreasWilhelm/gt-neo4j-spatial">https://github.com/AndreasWilhelm/gt-neo4j-spatial</a>
<br>Also I did some reworking on the ST_As*(KML, GeoJSON) classes to be also
able to provide the properties of the geometry in the response.
<br>Best Regards