Hi,<br><br>I just updated the wiki with the weekly report. You can find all the info here: <br><a href="http://trac3.xp-dev.com/ggl2/wiki/gvSIG_Integration#week10" target="_blank">http://trac3.xp-dev.com/ggl2/wiki/gvSIG_Integration#week10</a><br>
<ul><li><strong>What have I done?</strong>
<ul><li><i>Create wizard for GGL2 algorithm execution</i>: The wizard
for GGL2 algorithm execution is completed. It is possible to specify the
input manually (source code), using a file or a GIS layer. Plus, the
output can also be written to a file, a GIS layer or using the console.
In any case, both the inputs and output are validated on each step so
the wizard only tries to execute the algorithm when the inputs are
correct and match the metadata of the process' inputs/outputs.
</li><li><i>Implement plugin for gvSIG 2.0</i>: I managed to finish the
algorithm wizard early enough so I had time to implement the GIS
connector for the 2.0 version of gvSIG. Thus, both versions (1.11 and
2.0) can connect to GGL2.
</li></ul></li><li><strong>What am I going to do now?</strong>
<ul><li><i>Create user documentation for the algorithm wizard</i>: Since
the wizard algorithm is a little complex (real time validations over
the source code, the file readers/writers, etc), we need to write some
documentation on how to use that wizard.
</li><li><i>Finish documentation, tests, clean code, etc</i>: Time to
finish the project, test everything, complete whatever that could be
missing (documentation, tests, etc) and produce some nice results.
</li></ul></li><li><strong>Any blocking issue?</strong> No
Regards,<br><font color="#888888"><font color="#888888"><font color="#888888"><font color="#888888"><font color="#888888">Víctor.</font>