Hi all,<br><br>What did I do this week?<br>- Setup all the environment required to work.<br>- Build successfully from the android branch of QGIS.<br>- Build an apk and test it on a Android smartphone.<br>- Get better understanding of the build bash scripts that Marco made.<br>
- Get dive into the core source code of QGIS.<br><br>What will I be working on next week?<br>- Get familiar with the code of QGIS related to Android.<br>- Try QML on Android and compare it with QWidgets.<br>- Create a blog for weekly reports.<br>
<br>Did I meet with any stumbling blocks?<br>- Some broken dependencies of Necessitas QtCreator.<br>- A missing library in the apk.<br><br>Regards,<br>Ramón