Hi!<br>"What do I have completed this week?"<br>I compiled GDAL and implemented simple prototype of gradient descent method for searching<br>and optimization of transformation parameters for 2 photos. Of course, it's far away from perfect,<br>
but it looks promising.<br>Here is some cool examples:<br><a href="https://drive.google.com/?tab=wo&authuser=0#folders/0B4teCm2XhcJQaVBPYllZX09yWlE">https://drive.google.com/?tab=wo&authuser=0#folders/0B4teCm2XhcJQaVBPYllZX09yWlE</a><br>
And GitHub:<br><a href="https://github.com/migal-drew/OpencvTransform/blob/master/src/mosaicing.py">https://github.com/migal-drew/OpencvTransform/blob/master/src/mosaicing.py</a><br><br>"What am I going to achieve for next week?"<br>
I think that I'll start to learn SURF algorithm, how it works, maybe I'll begin to code prototype to verify my awareness.<br>It's a very sufficient part of stitching processing.<br><br>"Is there any blocking issue?"<br>
Usually it's very hard to start something. You have to dive into details and get used to work<br>with many new things. I have lots of homeworks in my university study and exams are coming.<br>So for now it's extremely exausting task to mix SoC coding and study.<br>