<div dir="ltr"><div>Hi All,<br><br></div>Sorry for delay I was travelling and couldn't have proper access to internet. It is holidays here till next monday.<br><br>=== Weekly Report 8 ===<br><br>''' What did you get done this week? '''<br>
<br> * I worked on functions in tcp4ossim for sending messages to planet<br> * started with ossim plugin for netcdf<br><br>''' What do you plan on doing next week? '''<br> * continue work on netcdf source in python and c++<br>
<br>''' Are you blocked on anything? '''<br> * Nothing<br><br>I was travelling and have limited access to internet till next monday. <br>But I have access to my development system.<br clear="all">
<div><br><br>-- <br><div><font face="arial, helvetica, sans-serif">Regards,<br> Rashad</font></div>