[Spanish] OSM y Bavaria

Lorenzo Becchi lorenzo at ominiverdi.com
Fri Dec 26 11:45:50 EST 2008


..."The Bavarian State Office for Surveying and Geoinformation 
(Landesamt für Vermessung und Geoinformation) last week started the 
three and a half months pilot project in order to evaluate cooperation 
with the Openstreetmap project in the field of digitisation of maps.

Openstreetmap users can copy the course of streets, railway tracks, 
power lines, rivers and water bodies, forests, settlements and many 
other geographical details from aerial photographs with a resolution of 
two meters.

The photographs of the region will be provided via a Web Map Service 
(WMS) server until the end of March 2009. They cover an area of almost 
10,000 square kilometre. Their use is restricted to create data for use 
in Openstreetmap."...

a ver cual será la primera administración hispano-hablante que se moja


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