[Spanish] Fwd: FOSS4G 2016 - Call for Submissions!

Seven (aka Arnulf) seven at arnulf.us
Thu Jan 21 08:43:17 PST 2016

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Encantados de darles la bienvenida en septiembre, pero la conferencia es
en agosto (24 a 26 + code sprint, pre-conference meetings, etc.)

Reservat toda la semana!


Have fun,

On 21.01.2016 17:36, Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
> Hola a todos,
> Voy a hacer eco del "call for papers" que acaban de lanzar los chicos 
> OSGeo, para que vayáis pensando qué rollo vais a soltar en Bonn (Alema
> este próximo septiembre.
> ----------  Mensaje reenviado  ----------
> Asunto: [OSGeo-Discuss] FOSS4G 2016 - Call for Submissions!
> Fecha: Jueves 21. enero 2016, 15.48.47
> De: till.adams at fossgis.de
> Para: discuss at lists.osgeo.org
> Hello OSGeo-community!
> Did you ever dream of having a presentation in a parliament or plenary

> chamber of a federal government? Here is your chance! The 2016 Local 
> Organizing Committee is excited and proud to announce the opening of t
> Call for Submissions for FOSS4G 2016!
> This year, OSGeo and FOSSGIS e.V. as organizer invite you to Bonn, 
> Germany between August 20th and 28th to share and acquire knowledge, 
> acquaintances, friends and positive energy through all the activities 
> are planning for you: code sprints, workshops, B2B meetings, pub race,

> icebreaker, gala event and, of course, our core conference.
> FOSS4G represents the global gathering of the Open Source Geospatial 
> community with a deep focus on free and open source geospatial solutio
> under the auspices of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation - OSGeo. 
> FOSS4G brings together developers, users, policy- and decision-makers,

> business representatives from a broad spectrum of organizations and 
> professional geo-related fields.
> This year’s FOSS4G theme, “Building bridges”, will bring together all 
> geospatial users, developers and supporters, from professionals to 
> absolute beginners, from business representatives to university 
> teachers, from non-profit organizations to public institutions 
> representatives. Furthermore, this year, FOSS4G will build bridges 
> between geo-related communities. Our traditional FOSS4G topics will be

> enhanced with four key streams: Land Information, Disaster Management,

> Remote Sensing and Open Data.
> Our Call for Submissions will close on 21th of March. You can chose to

> share your work and knowledge with the community in a variety of ways:

> you can submit a presentation, a scientific paper, a poster, a map or 
> workshop. The choice is yours.
> For all types of submissions, you will find relevant information on th
> dedicated webpages in the menu “program” on our website: 
> http://2016.foss4g.org/programme.html.
> As FOSS4G is an OSGeo community event, it is the community that will 
> select the program of our core conference, through a voting mechanism.

> The conference program will unfold over three days in up to 8 parallel

> streams. We will accommodate around 200 presentations during the 
> conference showing the uses and benefits of open source geospatial 
> software in various fields. Each individual presentation will be allow
> about 20 minutes plus 5 minutes for Q&A.
> You should expect the highest academic rigour for your submitted paper

> within the Scientific Track. All papers will be assessed based on 
> scientific originality, coupled with interest for the wider FOSS4G 
> community. The Scientific Committee will make an effort to get selecte
> papers published in reputed academic journals.
> Also we invite you to submit your poster. There will be a dedicated 
> poster session and enough space for hang up your poster in our 
> conference venue.
> Workshops offer hands on experience of the power of FOSS4G and within 
> our gatherings demand always outstripped supply. Workshops should run 
> for a half-day and offer hands-on experience guided by experienced 
> members of the free and open source geospatial community, and often by

> the actual developers. The workshops will provide a unique opportunity

> to understand and learn new skills or take your first steps into the 
> world of Open Source GIS.
> Come join FOSS4G!
> Stay in touch with us, follow our developments and ask your questions.

> Also we encourage all community and project leaders to publish this ca
> for submission on their project mailing-lists!
> Till Adams, Chair of FOSS4G 2016 "Building Bridges...."
> http://2016.foss4g.org
> Twitter: @foss4g
> Facebook: FOSS4G2016
> email: info at foss4g2016.org
> _______________________________________________
> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss at lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss
> -------------------------------------------------------

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