Birds of a feather at GIS/LIS Conference

Blaine Hackett blaine at GISRANGERS.COM
Tue Sep 20 23:18:47 EDT 2005

Hey Steve

Dave Bauer is in charge of the GIS/LIS e-announcement which is going out
Send him a note by Thursday and it will get in there.  That should do it.

david.w.bauer at CO.RAMSEY.MN.US


-----Original Message-----
From: Twin Cities MapServer Users Group [mailto:TCMUG at LISTS.UMN.EDU]On
Behalf Of Stephen Lime
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 10:08 PM
Subject: Birds of a feather at GIS/LIS Conference

Hi all: We had a nice meeting at MAC tonite (thanks Dave for hosting)
and we talked about getting together in St. Cloud in early October. I'd
like then to propose a birds of a feather meeting at the pizza place
(Green Mill?) at the Kelly Inn - around 5:30 pm after the workshops are
over. Please stop by if you're interested and let folks know. Anyone
have any idea how to get the word out to other GIS/LIS attendees?


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