NASA funded study on Geospatial Interoperability

Brian Huberty Brian_Huberty at FWS.GOV
Thu Feb 23 12:03:40 EST 2006

Just came across this after reading an article on page 26 in the Feb issue
Geospatial Solutions.

You can use this document as scientific proof that it makes too much sense
to use open standards when you talk to the GIS users on the proprietary
software bandwagon....

and if this does not convince them, just hit them over the head with it
since it is 80 pages long!

Brian Huberty, Regional NWI Coordinator
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, R-3 Ecological Services
1 Federal Drive, Mail Stop 4056
Ft Snelling, MN  55111-4056

brian_huberty at
Direct Phone (612) 713-5332
Toll Free (800) 247-1247 x5332
Cell Phone (612) 308-7306
Fax (612) 713-5292
Ecological Services (612) 713-5350
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