[TCMUG] MN GIS/LIS Conference

Paul Wickman pwickman at northstargeographics.com
Fri May 8 13:06:11 EDT 2009


I am doing a 1/2 day "Intro to QGIS" for the Spring Workshops in a few 
weeks.  If that goes over well that I'd like to do it again in fall, 
with a bit more advance topics.  It would be neat to have an exercise on 
exporting to MapServer, with the idea that folks can then learn how to 
"make it go" by attending the GeoMoose workshop.  I could also touch on 
PostGIS which might relate to another such workshop.


Paul Wickman
North Star Geographics
pwickman at northstargeographics.com

Fischer, Brian wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> The GeoMOOSE group has been talking about submitting a proposal this 
> year for a Beginner and Advance workshops.  We are curious if anyone 
> else is planning to do a workshop on OSGeo projects?  Here is what we 
> are thinking for two separate half day workshops.  Please feel free to 
> give us some feedback.  I think the proposals are due next Friday.
> 1) Beginners... I want it to run in MS4W, I want to tweak the CSS to 
> make the site my own, and I want to add/edit data and use the built in 
> services. Mention PostGIS/QGIS. If we have a mapfile/mapbook editor/data 
> loader by this time we should definitely show that... however, that 
> looks like it's been pushed to 3.0. Of course there is nothing saying we 
> won't have 3.0 out by then.
> 2) Experts.... I saw this last year and have been using it in 
> production. I want to write services, I want to contribute to the 
> code/docs, What's this OpenLayers stuff inside and how can i leverage 
> that. I want to do cool stuff with PostGIS + custom services. Possibly a 
> discussion w/the audience of what people are doing and what worked and 
> what didn't. (Hey they are experts, they may know something we don't.) 
> We could do a mini code sprint too... bring in your problems, and vote 
> in the first 30 minutes... then code for the rest.
> Thanks,
> Brian
> *Brian Fischer,* CFM  GIS Project Manager
> *Houston Engineering, Inc.*^
> 6901 East Fish Lake Road, Suite 140
> Maple Grove, MN 55369
> Phone: W: 763.493.4522 / M: 763.229.2734
> Email:  bfischer at houstoneng.com <mailto:bfischer at houstonengineeringinc.com>
> Website: www.houstoneng.com <http://www.houstonengineeringinc.com/>

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