[TCMUG] Walkscore connections?

Peter Wiringa wiringa at umn.edu
Tue Sep 11 10:26:31 PDT 2018

It took a couple of days for them to get back to me back in May. I received
the response from aleisha at walkscore.com.

Not county-level, we were looking for aggregated scores to the block group
level (~4,000 BGs). Their response is below. Not sure if they were actually
referring to tracts or BGs as we didn't move ahead with them. I did
indicate academic affiliation in the request and their price may reflect

Thanks for contacting us. We do not have Walk Score ratings at the census
> tract level. Researchers will often look at the centroid of census tracts
> in their area of interest as a proxy for the tract a whole. If you provide
> us with a spreadsheet of lat/longs, we can generate the Walk Score with
> associated road metrics and category scores as well as the Transit Score
> (where available) and Bike Score (where available) for these points. You
> can find a sample spreadsheet with Walk Score data here
> <https://docs.google.com/a/walkscore.com/spreadsheets/d/1hQHrdwGrYmWjuRuCxQ-hmCr51jgZlJ7YLG5y1F1VExg/pub?output=html>.
> Pricing is based on the number of points to be scored. At this volume, the
> cost is $0.50/point.

EPA's National Walkability Index
<https://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/smart-location-mapping#walkability> and Smart
Location Database
<https://www.epa.gov/smartgrowth/smart-location-mapping#SLD> might be worth
checking out.

On Tue, Sep 11, 2018 at 12:09 PM, Jennifer Strahan <strahanjen at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> I'm working with a non-profit organization helping them to find ideal
> locations for affordable housing in the Milwaukee, WI metro area.  I'd like
> to incorporate Walkscore data into the analysis, but have not received any
> response from them through their data info/request form.  I wonder if any
> of you might be connected with someone there who might be able to respond
> to my request?
> I'd like a shapefile of current walk scores for the four counties in the
> Milwaukee metro:
> Milwaukee, Washington, Ozaukee, Waukesha counties.
> Thanks,
> Jennifer
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*Peter Wiringa*
Computing Geospatial Analyst | U-Spatial
University of Minnesota | umn.edu
wiringa at umn.edu | 612-624-7591 (office)
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