<p>Related opensource development.<br>
Secondlife.com CTO interview with Cory Ondrejka. (Cory is from Milwaukee and the son of Ron Ondrejka, ITEK CORONA speaker at MN GIS/LIS in Duluth a few years ago.)<br>
Secondlife just went opensource for clients this year.<br>
<tt><a href="http://www.zdnetasia.com/itlibrary/webcasts/0,39044504,62023340,00.htm">http://www.zdnetasia.com/itlibrary/webcasts/0,39044504,62023340,00.htm</a></tt><br>
Is it time for Mapserver to represented within Secondlife?<br>
Brian Huberty, Regional NWI Coordinator<br>
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, R-3 Ecological Services<br>
1 Federal Drive, Mail Stop 4056<br>
Ft Snelling, MN 55111-4056<br>
Direct Phone (612) 713-5332<br>
Toll Free (800) 247-1247 x5332<br>
Cell Phone (612) 308-7306<br>
Fax (612) 713-5292<br>
Ecological Services (612) 713-5350<br>