Hey Reid,<br><br>I just wanted to write to thank you for swinging by yesterday. I also wanted to give some links relevant to our discussions.<br><br>Routing --<br>PgRouting -- has been around for a few years, is fairly easy (for someone used to working a lot in PostGIS and following their tutorials) to get going with if they are already using PostGIS. Development is primarily by Orkney in Japan with I think some collaboration with Camp-to-Camp in Switzerland. I don't think the user community is very vibrant as far as mailing list support etc.<br>
<a href="http://pgrouting.postlbs.org/">http://pgrouting.postlbs.org/</a><br><br>GraphServer --<br>This is one I don't know too much about but seems very very cool. Especially some of the work that they are doing with multi-modal routing (ie bike+bus). <br>
<a href="http://graphserver.sourceforge.net/">http://graphserver.sourceforge.net/</a><br>One cool thing that could be especially useful in a bike application is that GraphServer natively support the Google Transit Feed data formats which MetroTransit already kicks out.<br>
The gallery is also very cool -- <a href="http://graphserver.sourceforge.net/gallery.html">http://graphserver.sourceforge.net/gallery.html</a><br><br><br>Just to point out a lightweight feature editing server -- <a href="http://featureserver.org">http://featureserver.org</a><br>
FeatureServer's primary transfer format is GeoJSON (<a href="http://geojson.org">http://geojson.org</a>) but also supports others. There is an example page of it working with the (all javascript) feature editing capabilities of OpenLayers (<a href="http://openlayers.org">http://openlayers.org</a>) at <a href="http://featureserver.org/demo.html">http://featureserver.org/demo.html</a>. There is some work going on with feature snapping in OpenLayers -- an example from one of the developers sandbox -- <a href="http://dev.openlayers.org/sandbox/camptocamp/snapping/examples/modify-feature.html">http://dev.openlayers.org/sandbox/camptocamp/snapping/examples/modify-feature.html</a><br>
<br><br>Geocoding --<br>The geocoding library that is behind the MetroGIS geocoder is PAGC (<a href="http://www.pagcgeo.org/">http://www.pagcgeo.org/</a>) -- all open source. Dan Putler (<em>dan</em>.<em>putler</em> at sauder.<em>ubc</em>.ca), a professor at University of British Columbia , is the chair of the project steering committee. I believe that PAGC's roots are as a research program at UBC. I know for certain that the MetroGIS group that runs the geocoder would be more than happy to take any suggestions for settings in the geocoder or to wrap in in a timely manner any improvements that may be able to be made with the PAGC group.<br>
<br>Cheers,<br><br>David<br><br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>************************************<br>David William Bitner<br>