[Tilecache] Protecting a tilecache from outside

Jacolin Yves yjacolin at free.fr
Thu Apr 17 09:05:21 EDT 2008


As you may know I succeed to use TC in mod_python successfully yesterday. One 
of the last problem remains is that we would like to protect TC server from 
people outside our website. That means only OpenLayers in your website 
application can use it.

In cgi mode, we used a wrapper which retrieve a key parameter and compare it 
with the key in the file then if ok send the request to TC. As you see it is 
not really a "secure" process.

Here how we did with mod_python. First of all add this two line in the vhost 
close your configuration parameter for TC:

<Directory "/var/www/../Carto/tilecache-1.9/">
  AddHandler python-program .py
  PythonHandler TileCache.Service
  PythonOption TileCacheConfig /var/www/.../Carto/cgi/tilecache.cfg
  SetEnvIf Referer www\.lpdipro\.dev\.local\.yves intra_site_referral
  Deny from all
  Allow from env=intra_site_referral

Only request form our application will be successful. If you try to request TC 
directly you will get a "no access" error page.

Hope it helps. If you think I am wrong, tell me ;)


Yves Jacolin

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