[Tilecache] WMS (il)legal URLS

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Thu Jan 17 16:40:14 EST 2008

Did you know that in order to create legal WMS client URLs you have to  
contravene the usual rules of URL construction? I bet you didn't.

Tilecache generates this URL


Based on this configuration


The "rules" of WMS client URL construction say that you don't encode  
the tokenizing characters (& = ?), just like normal, but there are  
also some special characters that you don't encode when they are used  
relative to particular parameters:

/ Separator between MIME type and subtype in format parameter value.
: Separator between Namespace and Identifier in SRS parameter value.
, Separator between individual values in list-oriented parameters.

Whoa! Crazyness! But that's the way the spec is written.
So the ":" in the SRS, shouldn't be encoded.
Nor should the "/" in the format.
And note that the "," in the layers and bbox parameters should not be  
encoded WHEN THEY ARE SEPARATORS.  This presumably allows european use  
of the comma as a decimal, and the use of commas in layer names, while  
still using commas as separators.

This is an issue for strict servers, like the one cited above.

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