[Tilecache] getLegendGraphic

Chris Brown no.reply.mailserv at gmail.com
Thu Mar 6 23:34:29 EST 2008

Are there any plans to add GetLegendGraphic to TileCache? I think this would
be useful as often providers only provide access through TileCache and not
to the underlying WMS, making legends impossible. I can't say I'm familiar
with the TileCache code but couldn't adding such features be just a simple
bridge pattern to the underlying WMS? I'm interested in familiarizing myself
with the source code and working on this firstly if the community thinks it
would be of use and secondly if it wouldn't for some reason not be feasible.



Christopher Brown
Aruna Technology
Research and Development Director
H/P: (855) 012 315 302
Tel: (855) 023 215 231
Fax: (855) 023 215 234
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