[Tilecache] Integrate projection parameter into an ArcXML request

Christopher Schmidt crschmidt at metacarta.com
Thu May 22 07:45:32 EDT 2008

On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 09:08:23AM +0200, Simone Gadenz wrote:
> Hi Cristopher,
> please find attache the ArcXML.py layer I modified. Now it supports five
> projection tags:

Please check out TileCache (svn co
http://svn.tilecache.org/trunk/tilecache/), copy your ArcXML.py in
place, and use 'svn diff' to create a patch, and attach that as a file. 

> - projection for loading a string definition from a file
> - projectionstring to define a string

Is there a reason that these two have to be seperate? They weren't in
the old code...

> - datumtransformstring to define datum transformation string if needed
> - projectionid to define a epsg id
> - datumtransformid to define datum transformation id if needed

Are these all strings? I'm assuming so. Is the datumtransofrmstring long
neough that storing it in a file is easier?

> I tested non that much but it seems to work with our ArcIMs installation. 

Christopher Schmidt

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