[Tilecache] Re solutions issues

Eric Lemoine eric.c2c at gmail.com
Sat Nov 22 10:13:51 EST 2008

On Fri, Nov 21, 2008 at 8:19 PM, Yves Moisan <yves.moisan at boreal-is.com> wrote:
> Salut Éric,
> Thanx for the pointer.  Googling around, I found this : "Note that these
> directives shouldn't be required on the Windows platform as it
> uses the Windows registry to find where the Python library files are
> located".  The "directives" in question are all the variety of
> PythonPath, pythonhome and what not one can stick in a .conf file.  In
> fact, that sentence should read "whatever you do in your conf files,
> Apache will only listen to your system registry".
> Sure enough, when I pointed my REGISTRY PythonPath variable
> to ...\Python24;...\Python24\Lib;...\Python24\DLLs where ... is my local
> Python path everything worked.
> Oh and back on the Tilecache.cgi comment I made in an earlier post.  I
> want to underscore a couple of findings of mine that might be useful to
> others.  I mentioned earlier that we have 2 map implementations : one OL
> and another called pmapper (a PHPMapscript) that we want to replace with
> OL.  Pmapper is faster than OL to render a non-tiled GeoTiff image.  It
> is *also* faster than OL with TC/cgi!  But now I know it is much slower
> than OL with TC/mod_python. All TC implementations are really not
> alike.

Yeah TC/mod_python gives a real performance boost! Chris keeps
mentioning it :-)


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