[Tilecache] tilecache layer in arcgis server javascript api

Scott Pezanowski scottpez at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 14 08:15:11 EST 2009

I am wondering if anyone has been able to get a custom tile cached layer from TileCache to display correctly in the ArcGIS server javascript api? Or can someone direct me on the proper configuration. This page describes creating a custom tiled layer in the api:
It seems I need to add the scale and resolutions of my zoom levels. However, I am having difficulty doing this.

This is what my tileinfo looks like:

this.tileInfo = new esri.layers.TileInfo({            "rows" : 512,            "cols" : 512,            "dpi" : 72,            "format" : "JPEG",            "compressionQuality" : 0,            "origin" : {              "x" : -180,              "y" : 90            },            "spatialReference" : {              "wkid" : 4326            },		"lods" : [              {"level" : 0, "resolution" : 0.00014444444444444444444444444444444, "scale": 45497.4416},		  {"level" : 1, "resolution" : 0.000031747816880420907984514989617448, "scale": 10000},              {"level" : 2, "resolution" : 0.000015873908440210453992257494808724, "scale": 5000},              {"level" : 3, "resolution" : 0.00000011023547527923926383512149172725, "scale": 2500}            ]          });

I used this link to compute my resolutions by hand:
I actually do seem to be getting back tiles; However, all of them are outside the range of my data and I simply get white tiles. My data bounding box is -77.92,-40.75,-77.79,40.85.
My tile urls look something like this    /0/1216/1380.jpeg   when I think they should look more like this     /0/0/1.jpeg
Thanks in advance for any help on what I may be doing wrong.

********************************************* Scott Pezanowski 

email: scottpez at hotmail.com  

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