[Tilecache] TileCache problems with mod_python

Gissur Þórhallsson gissur at loftmyndir.is
Mon May 11 10:08:54 EDT 2009

Hello there,
I'm setting up tilecache under mod_python (running Python 2.5) on apache
2.0.63 on windows XP

I can't seem to get past am error I've encountered.

I was getting

ImportError: No module named TileCache.Service

But some googling informed me to change TileCache.Service to
TileCache/Service which only sent me onward into the warm embrace of
another error:

ImportError: No module named Caches (Complete error here

My httpd.conf looks like this:

# --------------------- TILECACHE 2.10 ---------------------

Alias /tc/  "C:/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/tilecache210/"
<Directory  "C:/Apache Group/Apache2/htdocs/tilecache210/">
Options +ExecCGI +FollowSymLinks
   AllowOverride Limit
ExpiresActive on
ExpiresDefault "now plus 6 hours"
AddHandler python-program .py
 PythonHandler TileCache.Service
PythonOption TileCacheConfig 'C:/Apache
 PythonPath "['C:\Apache
PythonDebug On
# --------------------- TILECACHE 2.10 END ---------------------

Any ideas?

Kind regards from Iceland,
Gissur Þórhallsson
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