[Tilecache] redirection of tiles

Christoph Lingg christoph at lingg.eu
Mon Apr 12 03:55:18 EDT 2010

Hello everybody,

we are rendering our customized mapnik map with tilecache. For 
performance reasons we are only able to provide a subset of the worlds 
tiles. Nevertheless we want to provide tiles for the whole world and are 
thinking to fall back to the osm tiles for this unrendered regions.

Thats why we want to change the code of tilecache to redirect calls to 
openstreetmaps tile server. I would like to make this redirection 
depending on the bounding box and the resolution. As the tilecache code 
is very new for me I would like to ask you for some hints where and how 
it is the best way to adjust the code.

Thank you very much!
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