[Tilecache] TC called if OL maxextent bigger than a particular layer's ?

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Wed Jun 23 11:59:47 EDT 2010

> Right.
> Using a fake baselayer might be a workaround.
Hi Eric,

Thanx for chiming in.  You mean using a dummy base layer for which I 
would not have a TC defined ?  The idea basically is to still show the 
TC layer, for the extent it is defined, and not request unecessary (in 
fact undefined) tiles.  I understand I could show features on a super 
(dummy) base layer and maybe make the TC baselayer available at a 
certain scale (though I wonder how seeding would work then : zoomLevel 0 
would be 2 or 3 in reality), but I don't see how users can see the 
portion for which there is a tilecached layer.  I think we'll resort to 
defining a new OL map object altogether.

Thanx anyhow,


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