[Tilecache] Current y value 5009377.084000 is too far from tile corner y -0.000800

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Mon Nov 1 12:10:55 EDT 2010

> Salut Yves,
> this is an interesting aspect, I also upgraded OpenLayers from 2.8 to 
> 2.10. My problems occurred while using OL 2.10, but after some 
> investigation I found out that same problems arise using OL 2.8. So I 
> assume the problem is caused by the current tilecache version.
> I could confirm this assumption as I replaced temporarily tilecache 
> version 2.11 with 2.03.
Guten tag Christoph,

I'm using TC 2.10 (+ maybe a SVN commit or two).  TC code used is pretty 
much the only constant in my environment so that's why I'm suspecting 
something in OL.

Sorry I can't be of more help.



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