[Tilecache] tilecache is not using projection or bbox from configuration file

Mark Volz MarkVolz at co.lyon.mn.us
Fri Nov 12 13:56:56 EST 2010


I am new to TileCache.  I was able to get TileCache to work using the demo
setup.  However, I could not get it to work with my own data.  When I changed
the configuration TileCache ignored my new bbox and srs.  Instead, it used
the default bbox and the default srs code.

-How can I make sure that TileCache uses the correct SRS and BBOX?
-I am using the CGI because Python will not be installed on the computer that
I want to use with this instance of TileCache.

bbox=467560, 4924131, 508672, 4938903

Thank You

Mark Volz
GIS Specialist
Lyon County, MN

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