[Tilecache] how to setup a osm wms Tilecache

Jacco Wanders wanders at engineers.nl
Thu May 26 03:33:50 EDT 2011

Hello everyone,


I hope someone can help me in establishing a wms server configuration
based on Tilecache (osm) and Mapnik.


With the help of Justobject and dutch osm mailgroup I managed to create
osm Tiles in dutch (RD (28992)) projection based on osm data. 

ng.nl/cgi-bin/tilecache.cgi/1.0.0/osm_28992/1/0/2.png> >

Installed software, Ubuntu, Postgis, osmtpgsql, Tilecache, Mapnik,


I'am struggeling in setting up a wms configuration in order to load the
osm tiles/data in for instance ArcMAP or Mapguide.  I got the idea that
a wmslayer has to be  added in the tilecache.cfg. But I don't know how
to setup a working configuration...., 


Current configuration tilecache.cfg (osm_28992 is working correctly)














<url=/home/osm/mapnik/osm.xml >?? 



I hope someone can tell me what steps need to be taken regarding the
configuration. As you probably noticed I'am new/ a dummy regarding this
workfield! :)




Jacco Wanders

Tel    0570-665070
Mob    06-31769873
Mail   wanders at engineers.nl
Web  www.engineers.nl
Web  www.bodemnieuws.nl
Web  http://www.engineers.nl/cms/index.php/nieuws/inschrijven-nieuwsbrief-tte

Denk aan het milieu voor je besluit dit bericht of de bijlagen te printen.
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