Hello all<br><br>I have been trying to setup my tilecache to work with Openlayers and have come across the old 'cannot caluculate tile index' error.<br><br>After having read the archives I see that you need to have your bounding box and max resolutions the same in both the
tilecache.cfg and the openlayers layer def. I have done this and am still having no joy.<br><br>I can get a cached tile if I manually input the maximum bounding box into the URL (outside of Openlayers) - but only if I use the maximum bounding box - if I try to request a smaller geographic area I get the error.
<br><br>Has anyone any ideas what I am doing wrong?<br><br>Stuart<br><br>Using Tilecache 1.8 on Unix with Openlayers 2.4<br><br>My openlayers definition is:<br><br> var wms_cache_layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.WMS( "Fasti Global Mosaic", "
<a href="http://www.fastionline.org/v2/mapserver/tilecache/tilecache.py?">http://www.fastionline.org/v2/mapserver/tilecache/tilecache.py?</a>", {layers: 'fasti', format: 'image/png; mode=24bit', maxResolution:'
27086.765625',maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds (256000,-1385000,733013,5549212) } );<br><br>Tilecache.cfg is:<br><br>[fasti]<br>type=WMSLayer<br>url=<a href="http://map1.fastionline.org/v2/fasti_wms.php">http://map1.fastionline.org/v2/fasti_wms.php