<div dir="ltr">I'm trying to split the world up according to EPSG:900913, so I can run
multiple, parallel tilecache_seed.py processes on separate extents at the same time, and
and don't seem to be getting anywhere. I tried a simple quadrant with the following command:<br><br>tilecache_seed.py <a href="http://localhost/cgi-bin/tilecache-2.04/tilecache.cgi">http://localhost/cgi-bin/tilecache-2.04/tilecache.cgi</a>? 5k_buffer 3 4 -20037508.342789244 0 20037508.342789244 20037508.342789244<br>
<br>The process just hung at the command line.<br><br>Can someone send me a couple reasonable BBOX extents in The Google projection?<br><br>Thanks.<br>--<br></div>