Hi all,<br><br>I'm pretty new to OpenLayers and, generally, to the "maps world"...<br><br>I'm
trying to use OpenLayers not to show any map but an enormous image
(made of a lot of other images) and let users move and zoom around it.<br>
<br>Server side we're using tilecache with a GDAL layer and a tiled TIFF (as suggested here to a friend of mine: <a href="http://openlayers.org/pipermail/tilecache/2009-May/001832.html" target="_blank">http://openlayers.org/pipermail/tilecache/2009-May/001832.html</a>).<br>
<br>In the service we're developing we will use javascript to move
the openlayers view to a specific area of the enormous image (so
centering it on a specific pixel) also with a specific zoom.<br>So we need
to translate pixel coordinates and zoom of the enormous image to
latitude/longitude coordinates and openlayers zoom levels/resolutions.<br>
<br>To do so I think I should better understand the various
terminology such as "bounding box","resolution","extent", "projection"
etc...<br><br>So... Where can I find a good definitions and explanations for these terms?<br>
<br>Thanks in advance<br>Andrea Zilio<br>