Dear Tilecache maillinglist:<br>I have some questions. I coult not find answer on our mailinglist. <br>I hope someone could answer my questions or any other information which are welcome. <br><br>1. Can I store tile in zip or gz format?<br>
For my understand Apache web server can read gz or zip format. <br><br>2. tilessize matter? 512*512 vs 256*256 which one is faster<br>256pixels took too much disk space. if we use 512 pixel, I think tiles totally size will be smaller.<br>
because ,if the 256pixel tile is less than 4kb, the tile still take 4kb disk space. that s why I want to increase to 512*512px.<br><br>3. Is MBtiles as same faster as disk tiles, if I store tiles in mbtiles?<br><br>4. how much diskspace can MBtiles save?(if we have 500GB disk tiles right now, MBtiles will be 100GB or even smaller?)<br>
<br>Thanks in advance.<br>Any information are welcome.<br><br>Xiaoyu<br>