<div dir="ltr">am trying to use my own map tiles with qgis, but seems like i need to configure the tilecache to be able to receive requests from wms;<br> <br>i am using Quantum gis 1.8.0 with gdal 1.7.0<br><br>when i load my xml file with quantum gis using "add raster layer" icon, i get nothin, notice that am specifying the local directory of my map tiles;<br>
<ServerUrl>file:///home/mytiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.png</ServerUrl><br><br>this is my xml file:<br><br><GDAL_WMS><br>
<Service name="TMS"><br>
<ServerUrl>file:///mytiles/${<div id=":9f">z}/${x}/${y}.png</ServerUrl><br>
<div class="im"> </Service><br>
</div> <TileLevel>18</TileLevel><br>
<div class="im"> <TileCountX>1</TileCountX><br>
</div> <Projection>EPSG:900913</Projection><br>
<div class="im"> <BlockSizeX>256</BlockSizeX><br>
<Cache /><br>
</GDAL_WMS></div></div><br>so am not really sure how can i set up the tilecache to get the requests from wms server in qgis;<br>am new with gis technology so i appreciate any help or direction :)<br></div>