[TOSprint] Boston Code Sprint Time Options

Paragon Corporation lr at pcorp.us
Thu Jun 21 22:25:48 PDT 2012

Corrections to previous instructions.

We've put our available venue dates up.  Now we need to vote.  Here is how
the voting works.
The date slot options we have are:
Weekday options run Monday - Thursday: 3/4, 3/11, 3/18, 3/25 

Weekend options run Thursday - Sunday : 2/28, 3/7, 3/14, 3/21 

Put your preferred options next to your name in the order you prefer it
1) If you absolutely don't care about dates just write:
2) If you can do any weekday but not weekend, then do
3) If you can do any weekend but not  weekday:
4) If you have a preference for weekday over weekend, but can do either, put
weekday, weekend 
5) All others, start with your preferred dates in order you prefer them and
if you can make any of the dates, add any to the end.
So for example:
3/4, 2/28, any
(means 3/4 is my first choice, 2/28 is my second, but I can make any) 
If I can only make 3/4, 2/28 then I would have
3/4, 2/28
Leo and Regina

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