[Ubuntu] GDAL problems on 12.04

Frank Broniewski brfr at metrico.lu
Thu Dec 20 08:34:40 PST 2012

Am 2012-12-20 17:32, schrieb Luís de Sousa:
> Hi Frank,
> I'm pretty sure that GDAL 1.9.2 doesn't work well with proj 4.7, that
> was my problem. My advice would be for you to re-install proj from the
> repos. This will remove most of the remainder gis packages (qgis,
> grass, mapserver, etc) but installing them back from the repos is
> pretty swift.
> Make sure that after re-installing you get proj 4.8. Regards,
> Luís

Hi Luís,

I swapped my repository to unstable, reinstalled all the GIS stuff and 
now it works again. But I am confident that the _stable_ repo should not 
have this issue.



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