[Ubuntu] GDAL compilation

Marc Coevoet sintsixtus at gmail.com
Fri Jan 6 13:53:40 EST 2012

Op 06-01-12 19:23, Alassane Toure schreef:

> Marc,
> Thanks for your inputs. I followed your instructions by downloading
> "gdal-1.9.0RC2.tar.gz" to uncompress in "gdal-1.9.0" directory...in
> "/home/alassane/Downloads/gdal-1.9.0". I then run "./configure" and
> "make" with success. Now I tried to compile with the command...

Bonjour, Hello,

In the sources I see a "autogen.sh" script.

In that case run

sh autogen.sh

after that:


I don't see problems here....  You don't have to issue gcc/cc commands 
yourself, make will do that for you ...

I use an older ubuntu:
uname -a
Linux sony 2.6.35-30-generic #61-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 11 17:52:57 UTC 2011 
x86_64 GNU/Linux

PS: configure ends with:
GDAL is now configured for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

   Installation directory:    /usr/local
   C compiler:                gcc -g -O2
   C++ compiler:              g++ -g -O2

   LIBTOOL support:           yes

   LIBZ support:              external
   LIBLZMA support:           no
   GRASS support:             no
   CFITSIO support:           no
   PCRaster support:          internal
   LIBPNG support:            external
   GTA support:               no
   LIBTIFF support:           internal (BigTIFF=yes)
   LIBGEOTIFF support:        internal
   LIBJPEG support:           external
   8/12 bit JPEG TIFF:        no
   LIBGIF support:            external
   OGDI support:              no
   HDF4 support:              yes
   HDF5 support:              yes
   NetCDF support:            yes
   Kakadu support:            no
   JasPer support:            yes (GeoJP2=yes)
   OpenJPEG support:          no
   ECW support:               yes
   MrSID support:             no
   MrSID/MG4 Lidar support:   no
   MSG support:               no
   GRIB support:              yes
   EPSILON support:           no
   WebP support:              no
   cURL support (wms/wcs/...):yes
   PostgreSQL support:        yes
   MySQL support:             no
   Ingres support:            no
   Xerces-C support:          yes
   NAS support:               yes
   Expat support:             yes
   Google libkml support:     no
   ODBC support:              yes
   PGeo support:              yes
   FGDB support:              no
   MDB support:               no
   PCIDSK support:            internal
   OCI support:               no
   GEORASTER support:         no
   SDE support:               no
   Rasdaman support:          no
   DODS support:              no
   SQLite support:            yes
   SpatiaLite support:        no
   DWGdirect support          no
   INFORMIX DataBlade support:no
   GEOS support:              yes
   VFK support:               yes
   Poppler support:           no
   Podofo support:            no
   OpenCL support:            no
   Armadillo support:         no
   FreeXL support:            no

   SWIG Bindings:          no

   Statically link PROJ.4:    no
   enable OGR building:       yes
   enable pthread support:    yes
   enable POSIX iconv support:yes
   hide internal symbols:     no

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