[Ubuntu] UbuntuGIS PSC Nominations are Open

Alan Boudreault aboudreault at mapgears.com
Tue Nov 26 13:12:13 PST 2013

Hi All,

As you may already know, a lot of people agreed to create a PSC for the 
UbuntuGIS Project. This has for goal to involved more people in the 
project and also for its goodness. You might be interested to read the 
whole thread about the main idea of creating a PSC:


You are now welcome to submit nominations/suggestions of people for that 
PSC. A nomination could simply have the following items:

- Name of the nominate
- A brief description of who the nominate is.
- The main role that the nominate could provide to the project. ie. 
project manager, packager, gis superuser, gis user, doc writer, tester, 
etc. All roles are important!!

All the nominations will then be listed at the following wiki page and 
we will proceed to the vote before the Christmas:


Best Regards,

Alan Boudreault

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