[Ubuntu] Help Compiling MrSID Support in GDAL

Reese Yontz reesey at yontzwerke.org
Wed Aug 20 20:36:41 PDT 2014

I have searched for updated instructions on how to compile MrSID support 
into GDAL. Please forgive me, if this question shouldn't be posted on 
this mailing list; however, I seem to be continuously running in circles 
pointing to the same documents which are at 
http://trac.osgeo.org/ubuntugis/wiki/TutorialMrSid and 
http://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/MrSID. Each of these appear to be 
several years old and do not match the current packages in Ubuntu. I 
posted this question at 
initially and have worked through some of my issues there.

I am hoping someone here can help me fill in the gaps that I am missing. 
Specifically the gaps seem to be:

1. How do I compile only the mrsid and mrsid_lidar plugins for GDAL 
without having to rebuild the whole package?

2. If I must rebuild the whole package, is there a way I can pull the 
configuration from the stock UbuntuGIS packages to make sure I do not 
leave out any necessary configuration settings?

3. I think this was a red herring when I tried installing the 
libgdal-dev packages, but since I am running MariaDB instead of MySQL, 
are there some special configuration options that I need to make sure to 
include while building GDAL?

I appreciate all of the help you can provide me and will make sure to 
document my solution on the AskUbuntu thread above so that hopefully 
others searching for this can find the updated instructions there.


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