[Ubuntu] trusty

Jerome Villeneuve Larouche jlarouche at mapgears.com
Mon Jun 2 05:16:56 PDT 2014

 From what I see, Juergen pushed a new package on UbuntuGIS-Unstable 
containing the fix, so you should be good.

On 14-06-02 03:03 AM, Sebastiaan Couwenberg wrote:
> On 06/02/2014 12:18 AM, laurie at diggingstick.net wrote:
>> Thanks,  To clarify, does this mean we need to patiently wait until the
>> packagers have an opportunity to review for 14.04?
> Yes, to get the fixed package into the PPA you need a packager if you
> cannot help with that yourself.
> In the mean time you can remove the system provided python-pyspatialite
> to not have it conflict with library built by QGIS. This assumes that no
> other packages depend on python-pyspatialite. In Debian only QGIS
> depends on python-pyspatialite.
> Kind Regards,
> Bas

Jérôme Villeneuve Larouche

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