[Ubuntu] Pushing OSGeoLive packages to UbuntuGIS

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Fri Apr 22 08:22:47 PDT 2016

Hi all,

I am planning to start pushing updates from OSGeoLive to UbuntuGIS ppa.

The initial thought is to push OSGeoLive 9.0 packages (Trusty only) to 
UbuntuGIS Stable starting 48h from now.
Then the plan is to push OSGeoLive 9.5 packages to UbuntuGIS Unstable.
The next step will be to start preparing OSGeoLive 10.0 packages based 
on Xenial plus more recent updates (GDAL 2.0 etc). Those new Xenial 
packages will live in OSGeoLive Nightly ppa for a while before we can 
test and push to Unstable.

Any thoughts/comments/objections?

Best regards,

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
OSGeo Charter Member

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