[Ubuntu] creating GRASS packages for UbuntuGIS

Bas Couwenberg sebastic at xs4all.nl
Thu Jan 14 09:06:19 PST 2016

On 2016-01-14 17:08, Martin Landa wrote:
> I have question about tagging, what should be appropriate format
> git tag ubuntugis-wily/7.0.3RC1
> or
> git tag ubuntugis-wily/7.0.3~rc1-1~wily1

None of the above.

You should use tags with the format:


So in this case that's:


See also:


The policy for tags is not very strict where it concerns non-Debian 
tags, the differences between the version you used now and what's 
documented is not a blocker.

Kind Regards,


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